Country walk to Helmsley

Posted on February 19th, 2025 by Sproxton Hall Cottages


This is a picturesque walk over fields into Helmsley.  We recommend trainers, walking boots or wellingtons (depending on how wet it is underfoot) and long trousers (to protect against nettles and brambles).  The walk is approximately 2.5 miles /1 hour each way – so please allow enough daylight to complete the walk.  To bear in mind: one stile (with dog accessible side gate), steady hills, and some fields have sheep and lambs, so please keep your dogs on leads, and take care at the river – it can flow fast and deep.  Guests enjoy this walk throughout the year and the changing seasons reveal different wildflowers and wildlife.   On our most recent walk we saw primroses, bluebells, and celandines.   We also saw a heron, hares, pheasants, and a barn owl.  

  • Turn right out of the cottage gate; proceed along the track with the farm on left. Bear left at the fork (Ebor Way) and continue along the track for approx. 10 minutes.  The path starts to rise as you approach another farm.
  • Rather than follow the track to the left towards the farm (you will see an old metal gate, but do not go through it) walk straight ahead for approx. 20m keeping the fence on your left. Go through the gate with the arrow on it.
  • Keeping to the right of the field following the fence, join the track and head downhill – you are heading towards the gate with the farm in the distance.
  • Go through the gate keeping to the track making your way to the bottom left hand corner of the field. Take the track through the bushes and through the gate.
  • Keep right (downhill) and immediately go through another gate. Keeping the trees on your right, follow the fence around to your right, past the water.  Turn right through a gap in the hedge/trees towards the metal footbridge at the far edge of the field.
  • Go over the footbridge and turn left. The fish farm is now on your right and the river to your left.  FROM HERE ONWARDS, THE RIVER SHOULD ALWAYS BE ON YOUR LEFT.  Proceed along the track for 5 minutes towards the caravan and turn left.
  • Continue along the track to the gate on your left (blue arrow).  If you find yourself going uphill at this point, retrace your steps to the gate. Proceed along the grassed area to a gate (water on your left); go through the gate (blue arrow).  Follow the path across the field.  Go through the gate (blue arrow) and head for the next gate.
  • DO NOT GO UNDER THE BRIDGE.  Instead, go through the wooden gate and the next gate about 20m ahead. Head across the field towards the river.
  • On reaching the river bear right towards the small trees/hedge, follow the river/path for approximately 5 minutes.  You are heading to the gate at the top right of the field.
  • Proceed through the gate and take the path alongside the river. Walk along the field for 5 minutes, after which you will pass the water treatment works on your right. Proceed over the stile.
  • Follow the path, there is an electric fence/horses on your right until you reach another gate. Proceed across two small wooden bridges/gates and then bear right towards the vehicle track (towards the wooden barn) (photo 12). At the small wooden shed, go through the metal gate. (Sawmill on your left). You are now on the outskirts of Helmsley.
  • Follow the track left (at a crossroads of paths) through the industrial estate/join the tarmac road. Continue past the industrial units and houses. Turn left on to Ryegate, then turn right towards the shops and market square.

Enjoy a stroll around Helmsley.  We recommend an ice cream from Ryeburn of Helmsley (head towards the long stay carpark/Cleveland Way) or a drink at one of the many dog friendly cafes before the walk back, or take the local bus back to Sproxton from outside the Feathers.  The Sproxton bus stop is opposite the church.  If you take a taxi back to Sproxton, our address is Bransdale Cottage/Sproxton Hall Cottages, YO62 5EQ.


Download the directions here (laminated copies are supplied within each holiday cottage):
